
We handle patent matters in a wide range of technical areas including but not limited to Nanotechnology, Medical Devices, Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science, Aerospace, Metallurgy, Cosmetics, Pharmaceuticals, Polymer chemistry, Biochemistry and Medical Textiles.  Their clear subject matter knowledge with a wealth of technical and industry experience ensure that our clients receive thorough, technically accurate and commercially relevant advice.

We work with clients to identify their patentability options including uniqueness and commercially significant in a patent review and work to secure such rights.

Get all info of Patent Services from below.


An invention should satisfy three basic criteria to be patentable: novelty, non-obviousness, and utility. Basis the invention disclosure and claims, IPpro conducts a thorough Prior Art Search of patent and non-patent databases.

The prior art search report affirms the existing know-how of the invention and helps establish its novelty and non-obviousness. We work with the inventors to define the further action steps.

Invention disclosure statement

Prior Art Search Report

A full utility or provisional patent application for an invention is based on various factors: development stage of the concept or invention, criticality of the invention, business goals, capital and time at hand. These factors help decide the strategy and the type of patent application.

Over the years, IPpro has developed a knack to draft a high quality patent application— including patent claim drafting, patent specifications drafting and patent drawings in compliance with the requirements of various patent offices. During the course of patent drafting, our team discusses the patent application with the inventors and patent attorneys to carry out any requisite modifications.

Invention disclosure statement (IDS)
Prior Art Search Report

Provisional or Full Utility Patent Application (Claims, Specifications, Drawings, Abstract)

When companies intend to venture into new markets and/or localize operations, it is imperative to file a patent application in different jurisdictions via PCT, EPO, and/or other routes to obtain patent protection.

Our patent agents customize the patent specifications to meet local filing requirements. We also identify patent attorneys in the corresponding jurisdictions and assist them throughout the patent filing procedure and patent management henceforth.

Provisional or Full Utility Patent Application
Prior Art Search Report

Coordination with patent attorneys to file patent application in the desired patent office

A multinational application for one trademark can be filed in member states of Madrid Protocol & Paris Convention.

Turkey carried Madrid Protocol into action on 1999, since then applications before WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) is being filed in our country.

Protection term is for 10 years for international applications which can be renewed in every 10-year-term. 

  • Trademark Search
  • Filing Application
  • Renewal Request For Trademark
  • Recordal Of Assignment
  • Name And Address Change Of The Applicant
  • Filing Opposition
  • Providing Certificate Of Registration
  • Filing International Application Before WIPO
  • Legal Consultancy
  • Attending To Hearings

Trademarks become subject to protection on the date they are received by Turkish Patent Institute. If the application is incomplete and lack documents, applicant should make up the shortage within 2 months; application is valid when the shortage is completed.

A prior search for similar trademark applications could be made on request on TPI database before filing.


Priority can be claimed if an application has been filed in a country outside of Turkey or the product has been exposed officially. Applicants should provide TPI with application or registration document together with its notarized translation, bank receipt of official payment and priority claim form.

In case priority is claimed on the basis of exposition, applicants should submit a document signifying the country, date of exposition, etc. set by authorities of the country together with its notarized translation.

Application Requirements:

Application Form 

Trademark Sample: 5 of which could either be written letters or a figure, black&white or colored 

Bank receipt of the official application fee

Power of Attorney duly signed by applicant

Moreover, TPI is rendering prior search services as well. They either do the EPOQUE database search (including various countries and patent systems) or Turkish Patent Institute’s database search. Applicants should submit search request forms together with bank receipts of official fee payment.


Use of trademark:

 ●Trademarks are considered as used when they are worked with different elements unless harms the distinctive property of it.

 ●Trademarks are used when appears on package for exportation.

 ●Trademarks can be used when allowed by applicant.

 ●Trademarks are considered to be used for importation purposes.

Trademarks are subject to refusal by authorized court in case of non-use during 5 years after the registration date, or in case of continuous suspension of use during 5 years.



We assist clients / start-ups in the initial selection of trademarks, service marks, and trade names; analyse the results of mark and name searches; file and prosecute local and foreign applications for trademark and service mark registration; and handle opposition and cancellation proceedings. We also represent clients in transferring ownership in trademarks and negotiating license agreements.

Industrial Designs

Industrial designs are as much important as the trademark or the efficiency of the product’s function and content. Since it is common that demanded designs are subject to infringement, registration of designs are highly important to protect one’s creative work. 

We advise our clients on establishing design protection for their products, register and international design patents and represent their interests in infringement proceedings.

Designs are being examined formally by experts of Patent Institute upon receipt of the application and being published in the next bulletin. To conceal visuals of design until a determined time, applicant may request suspension of publication before TPI. Publication suspension is for at most 30 months and has to be requested together with application.

  • Application Form
  • Duly signed Power of Attorney
  • 3D sample of product (JPEG / PDF version)

A registered design is valid for 10 years after the filing date. Protection term can be extended up to total 15 years.

Priority should be claimed together with the application therein 6 months from the application date for designs that have filed in other countries outside of Turkey.

For applications the priority of which based upon outside of Turkey, applicant have right to submit documents 3 months following the application before TPI.

Priority could be based on the exhibitions that the product is presented. For the exhibitions take place in Turkey, applicant should prove a document in which the photograph of product inserted together with the official exhibition opening date.

  • Preparation of application and visuals
  •  Filing Industrial Design Application
  •  Name & address change of applicant
  •  Filing assignment
  •  Filing opposition
  •  Providing Certificate of Registration